What is your earliest memory of riding a bike?  My earliest memory is at our house in Holladay (yes, Utah) and riding down our lane, racing my friends. I also remember turfing it and getting a massive cut on my elbow. 

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Favorite mountain bike trail? I’d have to say it’s UOP right now. It’s close to home and makes for a great out and back when I don’t have time to explore other areas. I like the evening ride since the sun is setting west behind the UOP trails. 

What sport would you be doing if you weren’t riding a bike? Skate skiing all the time! I also tele ski and am trying to do more back country when time allows. Summer sport? Hard to say…. hiking, anything to get me in the mountains. I also have a horse that I love to ride and jump over cross country fences. 

To date most meaningful moment as a coach?
I’ve loved watching our junior devos grow! It’s great to see them improve in one season and some of them have really improved a ton. The downside is knowing I have to ride harder because they are getting faster and catching up!! 

Any random fact that we need to know.   Besides trying jumps on my bike (not really, too scary) I  have a horse that I keep in Oakley and  I love to ride and jump over cross country fences when the weather is warm and the ground isn’t soggy.  

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